Ethical Management
Reflecting the ethical stances of our society to the corporate behavior, PNC will create a transparent organizational culture to contribute to our community.
DP World is committed to ensuring that everything it does has a long-lasting positive impact on economies and society. As a result, we set rigorous ethical, professional and legal standards for ourselves and the way we do business. Our DP World Code of Ethics identifies how we maintain international best practice in preventing conflicts of interest, fraud, insider trading, misuse of confidential and personal information, and modern slavery. To read our Code of Ethics, please click here.
In particular, DP World recognises bribery as unethical conduct that has a negative impact on society: it causes political instability, creates social insecurity, weakens institutions, and distorts markets. The senior management of DP World has adopted a non-negotiable commitment to excluding bribery from its business. This commitment to anti-bribery is supported by clear policies, practical procedures, workforce training and regular monitoring and review. To read our Anti-Bribery Policy, click here. We invite dialogue with communities, industry groups and others around anti-bribery. To contact us, simply email
We expect our business partners (vendors, consultants, joint venture partners etc) to share our ethical and anti-bribery values. We invite all stakeholders to raise concerns about unethical or unlawful conduct in relation to our business through our Whistleblowing Hotline – click here for more details