About PNC
Leading Terminal in Asia
Best Family-Friendly Certification
- Date2019
- CategoryFamily-friendly management
- OrganizerMinistry of Gender Equality and family
2019 Busan CPR Performance Excellence Award
- Date2019
- CategorySafety
- OrganizerBusan Fire Department
2019 Safety Culture Excellence Award
- Date2019
- CategorySafety
- OrganizerMinistry of Interior and Safety
Hope 2019 charity campaign Award
- Date2019
- CategoryCSR
- OrganizerBusan city
2019 Busan Business Leader Award
- Date2019
- CategoryEmployment
- OrganizerBusan city
Appreciation plaque (for contribution to the development of Labor-Management Partnership program)
- Date2019
- CategoryLabor management
- OrganizerKorea Labor Foundation
Appreciation plaque (for contribution to sponsorship & donation culture)
- Date2018
- CategoryCSR
- OrganizerSocial welfare Organization Community Chest, Busan
Best company in Labor-Management Culture
- Date2018
- CategoryLabor management
- OrganizerMinistry of Employment and Labor, Korea
Safety Excellence performance Award
- Date2018
- CategorySafety
- OrganizerKOSHA
Korea Volunteer Award
- Date2017
- CategoryCSR
- OrganizerMinistry of Public Administration and Security
Safety Culture Excellence Award
- Date2016
- CategorySafety
- OrganizerBusan City /Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency
2016 Busan Business Leader Award
- Date2016
- CategoryEmployment
- OrganizerBusan city
The 1st Best Company for Labor-Management Win-Win in Busan
- Date2016
- CategoryLabor management
- OrganizerFKTU Busan Regional Office
Citation for Welfare & Volunteering in Gangseo-gu
- Date2016
- CategorySustainability
- OrganizerGangseo District Office, Busan
The Best Terminal Award
- Date2016
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerBusan Port Authority
100 Best Companies for Employment
- Date2015
- CategoryEmployment
- OrganizerMinistry of Employment and Labor, Korea
Firefighting safety Excellence Award
- Date2015
- CategorySafety
- OrganizerBusan city
Presidential Merit Citation for Employment
- Date2015
- CategoryEmployment
- OrganizerMinistry of Government Administration and Home Affairs
The Terminal of the Year Award
- Date2014
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerBusan Port Authority
Special Award (for effort of operation improvement)
- Date2012
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerBusan Port Authority
2012 Busan Business Leader Award
- Date2012
- CategoryEmployment
- OrganizerBusan city
Busan Employment Award - Excellence
- Date2012
- CategoryEmployment
- OrganizerBusan Regional Employment and Labor Administration
The Excelent Terminal Award (for Increase of volume compared to last year)
- Date2011
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerBusan Port Authority
Appreciation plaque (for contribution to increase of Busan Port volume)
- Date2011
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerBusan Port Authority
Participation award (for case of trials with AEO)
- Date2011
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerKorea Customs Service
Safety TBM Excellence Award
- Date2011
- CategorySafety
- OrganizerKorea Occupational Safety & Health Agency
Citation for Volunteering
- Date2011
- CategorySustainability
- OrganizerGangseo District Office, Busan
Appreciation plaque (for Increase of volume compared to last year)
- Date2010
- CategoryOperations
- OrganizerBusan Port Authority
Best company in Labor-Management Culture
- Date2010
- CategoryLabor management
- OrganizerMinistry of Employment and Labor, Korea